Team Leader Nick Weadock Working
Photo Credit: Amy Gardner
Nick Weadock was an ideal candidate for developing and installing WaterShed’s mechanical systems. While the whole team has a vested interest in a top performing AC unit, Nick has a little more at stake; he will need the assurance of a cool kitchen when he and a handful of other team members cook two multiple course meals in it during competition week.
Engineer by day, culinary guru by night, Nick not only had a hand in WaterShed’s mechanicals, he is heading up the dinner parties that are part of the home entertainment contest, one of 10 contests WaterShed will be judged on during the Decathlon. Nick, who is a Materials Science and Engineering major, helped plan the two menus (the contest contains two separate parties), as well as scouted the local and seasonal ingredients to cook with. Below Nick discusses the beauty of air conditioning in July and the two knives he never leaves home without.
What has been your personal WaterShed moment so far?
NW: Getting the mini-splits installed in the house so everyone can have A/C while working inside.
Talk about an unexpected, amazing, frightening or unlikely experience while working on WaterShed:
NW: I went to pick up some duct fittings from a duct manufacturer and ended up getting a tour of the whole facility and learned how spiral and rectangular duct is made.
What has been your most important learning experience on the project?
NW: I have learned much about the design build process, I am more used to writing procedures for an experiment and executing it than developing it as I go like with WaterShed.
Has working on WaterShed personally affected the way you use water?
NW: I drink a lot more water now I’ve been working outside all summer.
Has working on WaterShed influenced your career path at all, and if so, how?
NW: Working on WaterShed has shown me what sort of materials are used and needed in the green building industry. While my current career interests do not lie in building materials, it is definitely an interesting area of study.
When people come to visit WaterShed on the Mall in September, what do you hope they will take away from the experience?
NW: I hope they learn all green technologies are not super expensive or difficult to install, and they consider retrofitting some into their own homes.
What do you always have with you on the job site?
NW: An 11 in 1 screwdriver, Wüsthof Classic Ikon 8” Chef’s Knife, Wüsthof Paring Knife, All-Clad Stainless Steel 6qt Saute Pan, Extech RHT10 Temperature and Humidity Datalogger.