- Crestron central controller
- Mnet converter: mini-split built-in controller with infrared sensing of temperature throughout the living space
- Liquid desiccant controller: monitors desiccant concentration levels and determines when regenerator is desirable
- Programmable lighting systems: creates different lighting scenes for different house activities
- Hot water controller: manages energy from the solar thermal array to best meet the demands of daily house operation and the desiccant regenerator
- 40 sensors: monitor air and water temperatures, humidity, flow rates, desiccant level and concentration, electrical power generated and consumed
- 35 control elements: including switches for pumps, valves and fans

Crestron Controller
Various house sensors and control elements link to the central Crestron Controller to allow the homeowner to control systems from a central computer.
Enphase Recorder
Each enphase microinverter links to the central enphase recorder to allow the homeowner to see their daily energy output.
LDW Sensors
LDW, Regenerator Sensors, and Control Elements link to a central controller,allowing the LDW and regenerator to work together to produce an energy efficient dehumidification system.
Regenerator Sensors
LDW, Regenerator Sensors, and Control Elements link to a central controller,allowing the LDW and regenerator to work together to produce an energy efficient dehumidification system.
Solar Thermal Sensors
Solar Thermal Sensor and Control elements link to a central controller that directs the energy from the solar array to the LDW regenerator, domestic hot water supply, or supplemental space heating based on house temperature and humidity levels.
M-Net Converter
M-Net Control Adapter MAC-3991F and GB-24 Central Controller connects the mini-split system with the home automation system, allowing the minisplits to be controlled from a central computer.
M-Net Converter
M-Net Control Adapter MAC-3991F and GB-24 Central Controller connects the mini-split system with the home automation system, allowing the minisplits to be controlled from a central computer.
The datalogger records information and links to the Crestron controller to allow the homeowner to access house information easily and from one location.
Click on an item to learn more about WaterShed’s controls and sensors