- Evacuated-tube solar thermal collectors: Paradigma CPC 45 Star Azzura
- Compact plumbing core: keeps plumbing runs short, reducing price, material consumption, and heat loss; manifold for all supply lines allows for individual shut offs of each plumbing fixture; all supply lines are ‘home-runs’ which decreases connections and points of failure
- Well-insulated (R-16) hot water storage tanks: A.O.Smith Sunx 80-gallon primary tank with heater core focuses heat from the solar array, while the secondary pre-heat StorMaxx Ptec 1052HX tank provides back-up heat storage
- Low flow fixtures: high-end modern look Vero 14 Series Shower Trim T144253 (1.5 gpm) and Vero lavatory faucet 553LF (1.5 gpm).
- Dual flush toilet: wall-hung toilet paired with in-wall tank system helps save space and integrates clean and modern aesthetic with dual flush system low consumption (1.6 gpf and 0.8 gpf)
- High-efficiency appliances: clothes washer by LG and dishwasher by Miele

Paradigma CPC 45 Star Azzura Solar Thermal Array
WaterShed's Solar thermal array collects energy from the sun and transfers it to two well insulated water tanks in the mechanical room.
WaterShed's patent pending liquid desiccant waterfall (LDW) uses excess heat from the solar thermal wall to provide supplemental space heating during the winter months.
WaterShed's patent pending liquid desiccant waterfall (LDW) uses excess heat from the solar thermal wall to provide supplemental space heating during the winter months.
LDW Regenerator
When the solar thermal array is not providing domestic hot water, the LDW regenerator uses the heat generated to 'regenerate' the LDW solution..
Mechanical Room Plumbing
WaterShed uses energy from the solar thermal array as primary source for domestic hot water. An electric heating coil can be used when the array output is not sufficient. A secondary 120 gallon tank provides back-up heat storage. A pex manifold in the mechanical room also allows for individual shut-offs of each plumbing fixture, which decreases connections and points of failure.
Plumbing Core
WaterShed's compact plumbing core receives it domestic hot water from two well-insulated water tanks and uses low flow fixtures to reduce water demands.
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